
Call Upon Me In The Day of Trouble, I Will Deliver You

It is not possible to explain away this miracle. You might hallucinate seeing a man walking on the water, but you certainly can’t hallucinate walking on the water yourself. Peter is either lying or this really happened as it says. The power that held Peter up did not come from his faith but from Jesus. Peter begins to sink not because Jesus’ power was weakened by his unbelief, but because Jesus used this opportunity as the ultimate object lesson. In desperation, in weakness, Peter cries to the Lord, and the Lord saves him.

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Jesus Prepares All Things That We May Have Life

This text is all about preparation. First Jesus prepares the very ones who hated Him to carry out His will and deliver him up to death. At other times Jesus withdraws. He withdraws from Jerusalem, he withdraws from the crowds when they seek to stone him or confront him, but that is only because it

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